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Washington, 7600 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814
DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.

We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. We work with a wide range of clients, including national and local governments, bilateral and multilateral donors, private corporations, and philanthropies.

Since 1970, we have worked in more than 150 countries—delivering results across the spectrum of international development contexts, from stable societies and high-growth economies to challenging environments racked by political or military conflict.

Seaweed Project in Pohuwato and North Gorontalo. The project is in line with the local government goals. It will provide livelihood opportunities, increase income of fishermen and coastal communities.

AMARTA Project technical assistance’s focus on an effort to increase productivity, improving quality and accessing better market for seaweed farmers in Pohuwato and North Gorontalo districts. In the long run, they could self sustainable and expand their seaweed business.
1 .
Agribusiness Market and Support Activity
Sep 2008 - Jan 2009
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